Official Developer Team

Meet The Team
Our Professionals

the official developer team is a team formed to develop all the ideas that are created. this team is the last incubation before the members enter into the alkhwarizmi team structure

website Developer

Our Skills

Web Developer

the person in charge of creating and developing websites, or other terms web development.

Database Administrator

an admin in the management of computer systems works specifically to carry out maintenance of the database scope and direct all data security activities.


artists who work specifically in the field of fine arts, namely generally as creators or providers of illustration images to clarify the intent of a particular piece of writing or to make it look attractive.


UI is part of UX in the form of a visual design display of a system. and UX is the process of designing a product through a user approach.

Our Team

Fathi Fathan Fathurrahman

Web Developer (CEO)

Muhammad Sulhan Aldani Akbar

Web Developer

Muhammad Fariska Raihan

Web Developer

Azzam Mustafidh

Web Developer

Ahmad Zaidan Zidna Fann

Web Developer

Dhiya Muhammad azka

Web Developer

Khodijah Afifah

Web Developer

Nazma Nurlaila Tamam


Raniah Cahya Salsabila Sumarjo

Database Administrator

Jasmine Salma Afifah


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Kampung Ciangsana, RT.02/RW.04, Tapos I, Kec. Tenjolaya, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat

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